Sunday 23 June 2013

Bakhli - Mera Gaon

Bakhli is an agriculturist village located in the heart of Tehsil Pehowa, Dstrict Kurukshetra in the state of Haryana in India. Its origin is on the west bank of the holy river Saraswati. It is famous for its crop-farming and milk production. It has a population of about 4447 persons living in around 785 households(According to 2001 Census). On the art side, the village is famous for foodie people, courage, renowned saints and people with humourous bone. 
OOnce upon a time, the village was famous for juicy & pulp mangoes, creative theives, notorious feuds(between muslims and villagers) and men with immense power. The village was then reformed by my dad Pandit Ganga Ram Sharma(from 1945 t0 1959- 7 villages- sansur-bakhli-jhamredi-satoda-morthali-sahpur-sianasaiddan.), who holded the post of Sarpanch for 15 years. That time, the village used to have an exhibilrating library with over 3400 books on various topics.  

In the year 1942, two panchayats Bakhli and Keorak were formed in Karnal Distt. Both Jaildar Lal Singh & Narsingh Das Gujjar respectively for 3 years became Sarpanch, nominated by DC of Karnal.
1.      Chaudry Lal Singh Jaildar ( 3 yrs.)
2.      Pandit Gangaram Sharma (unopposed 15 years (3 times))-1945 to 1959
3.      Ramjidas  (officiating)
4.      Rtd. Subedar Dhana Singh of plot no.4 (13Yrs.)
5.      Purnd chand 5yrs (unopposed),
6.      Jagir singh 2 no plot-3yrs.  after his death
7.      Suchaa Singh of Dhandpura plot 2 yrs officiating,
8.      Banwari Lal 5 yrs.
9.      Jagat singh 3.5 yrs,
10.  Capt. Pritam singh 8 years (3&5).
11.  Smt. Sharda  5 yrs. (Our 1st ever Lady Sarpanch)
12.  Rtd. N.S Amarnath Sharma 5yrs (unopposed).
Panchayat divided in two independent forms in 2005.
13.  Ramphal suspended after 3 months, turminated on 10-11-2011by DC. In Jan,2012 and then Finnance Commissioner issued him stay.

History of the ancient village:
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Worship of Gram Devta of Bakhli(Haryana) 
Gram Devta or the god of homestead or the village itself, often called Khera and is most important. Although it is worshipped on every Sunday yet the Sundays of Savan and Magh Mas have more utilisation. People light a deepak of desi ghee and offer sweet rice(Meethe Chawal) on every Sunday in front of east facing idol. Kacha Doodh(unboiled milk) is very important for pooja. After worship prikrama is so meaningful.
In the month of Savan and Magh after distampering( whitewash) the Kheda a White Flag is hosted on the top of the gumbad of the shrine, Havan and Yajna with Gaytri Mantra and Khada's Mantra for goodness of whole villagers is completed by the heartly devoted villagers. Feed Brahmans and Kanya, then Prajapati- Saand with Cow. This is always done twice a year after the harvests are gathered in and also on other occasions. Villagers enjoy this Bhandara specially.
Gram Devta is also worshipped at marriages. The bridegroom, before proceeding to' the bride's house, takes a round of his own village and worships the Gram Devta, and again worships the god before he enters his house along with his bride.
When a son is born, the mother of the new born child lights lamps and affixes with cowdung five columns of the panni grass called bearn to the shrine. Milk of a                    cow  which has calved is first offered as oblation to the Gram Devta to avert any  mishappening. Orthodox women carry their young babies to the temple of this deity to ensure longevity of life.

The heritage of the village is:
General people of Bakhli village speak bangru which is a slight variation of the Haryanvi dialect having its own peculiarities. They use Devnagari Lipi for Hindi, Sanskrit, Haryanvi and Bangru, Gurmukhi for Panjabi, Persian for Urdu, Roman for English, and Lande ( Hindi Munimi) for book keeping(bahi khata).
After the migration of muslims in 1947, the use of Urdu has gradually given place to Hindi by villagers. Use of Urdu is now limited almost nill to the older and new generation, yet is known to Patwaris only for revenue works only.
The displaced persons from Pakistan camped at Kurukshetra in a big number, more than 70,000. Many of than who were fauji and ready to grow crops from agriculture or jungle land were settled in the village area after the partition of the India . Those migrated Sikh families(Labana) speak Panjabi specially.
In Government offices and educational institutions, Hindi is spoken by the majority.
The younger generation of 21st century mostly uses Hindi, English and Hinglish in speech and  Hindi and English in writing; The business community still  more or less uses lande in maintaining their account books.
Pandit Suresh Kumar Kaushik of Bakhli(Pehowa) has keen interest in many Languages. He studied Hindi, Sanskrit, Pali, Prakrit, English, Tamil and Russion during college and university days and afterward  Lande, Panjabi, Rajasthani(Marwari), Marathi and Gujrati during his professional journey of 29 years in the city beautiful Chandigarh,  the suncity Jodhpur, the lonely revolutionary city Meerut, the historical nagar Ahmednagar and the pinkcity Jaipur.
The General Information about this exotic village:
As a part of Pakistani Refugee Resettlement Project after the Partition, light industrial development was initiated in the town in 1950.
5 citizens of Bakhli are settled in Europe. 100 working in 47 countries. Nearly 256 people studying in various countries including 10 girl candidates)

Tubewells 210,
Tracters 60,
Dharmsalas 6( 2 jat-brahman,1 kumhar, 1 chmar, 1 chude, 1 panchayatghar)

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