Sunday 23 June 2013

Mosques Visited

Dargah Shariff of Hazrat Khwaja Muinuddin Chishti is indeed an ornament to the city of Ajmer. It is one of the holiest places of worship in India not only for the Muslims but also for the people of other faiths who hold the saint the high esteem and reverence. As mentioned previously. The Khwaja Saheb, as a ‘living spirit’ of peace and harmony, enjoys universal respect and devotion ever since he set his holy feet on the soil of Hindustan.

He has unquestionably been one of the greatest spiritual redeemers of human sufferings. To the faithful and afflicted souls invoking his blessing, he has ever been a never-failing source of moral strength and spiritual enlightenment. Apart from the common people, even the mighty kings of India, both Hindu and Muslim, have paid submissive homage to the great saint and have sought his miraculous aid to solve their problems. The precious buildings and various rich endowments dedicated to the Dargah of Khwaja Saheb are living memorials to and reminders of his continued patronage enjoyed by the people of India throughout the past 750 years.

The Dargah lies at the foot of the northern extremity of Taragarh hill. Its main attraction is the mausoleum containing the tomb of the saint which is the sanctum of the Dargah. Among its other prominent attractions which catch the eye of a visitor immediately he enters the Dargah, are the two mighty Buland Darwaza, which were built with the donations of Sultan Ghyasuddin Khilji of Mandoo who ruled Malwa from 1469 to 1500 A.D. The other Buland Darwaza in the north, which is now the main entrance of the Dargah, was built by H.E.H. Nisam Usman Ali Khan of Hyderabad Deccan in 1915 A.D. at a cost of Rs. 55,857/-. On the top of this gateway, there is the main Naqqar Khana (drum house) containing two pairs of huge naqqars (beating drums) which were presented by Emperor Akbar after his successful victory in a campaign of Bengal. They are sounded to the accompaniment of music played on Nafeeries and Shahnias at certain fixed hours of every day and night of the year by musicians permanently employed on the staff of the Dargah.
The Dargah includes many other attractive buildings, tombs, courtyards and Daalaans, some of which are exquisite specimens of the Moghul architecture and were erected during the Moghul period. Akbar was the first Moghul Emperor to visit the Dargah on foot when Ajmer came under his possession. He built the Akbari Masjid in the Dargah in 1571 A.d. which is a spacious mosque (140x140) feet. It was repaired by Nawab Ghafoor Ali of Danapur in 1901 A.D. One of its wings now accommodates the Moiniua Usmania Darul-Uloom, an Arabic and Persain School, for religious education which is run under the management of the Dargah.

It’s the same old tradition and message that was given to prophets and messengers of different tribes and nations. A message of love & peace. After prophets and messengers this Mission was and still being carried out by Sufis and Aulia (Friends of ALLAH). They are the true Heirs of Prophets and Messengers. This website is made, maintain and run by  the descendants of prophets and person from the House of NIZAMUDDIN Aulia and Sheikh Baba FARID (R.a).

A treasure of Prophets and Aulia's, is here for the betterment of Humanity. A reality for the sufi world is that the people who came for sufi learnings, spiritual understanding and guidence from different parts of the world. They stayed at our khanqahs, ate the food made at our houses for distribution and slept in our verandas and corridors. With their hard strive and struggle they became Sufi. They came as Empty vessels and went  back, filled with Wisdom and spirituality. Though it will remain filled even you try to get as much from that vessel till the day of judgment/resurrection.
Khanqah/hermitage of his holiness Hazrat Nizamuddin aulia is still spreading the light of guidance and  satisfaction of soul, mind and heart. Even centuries have past still the message is given to one and all. At the same time, it is the Primary source for Sufi teachings, spiritual guidance and treatments.
This service for humanity in dedicated to his holiness Hazrat NIZAMUDDIN aulia (rehmatullah alaiy) and Hazrat Amir Khusro (rehmatullah alaiy) from whom we get inspiration for service and duties for Humanitarian work. He who established one of the most influential and Impressive  khanqah/Dargah/hermitage, who won the hearts not only of Indians but numerous people around the globe.
What a better source and person you need for a true spiritual experience after knowing about the person responsible for this service, which will make your life a bit different from Normal walk of life.
One of the Greatest  and most influential Sufi saint of Indian Sub-continent, By whose order Hazrat Amir Khusro (R.a) Invented a new language to break down barriers between south and north India (Including Pakistan, Bhutan, Nepal, Rangoon, Bangladesh and  border area of Afghanistan), for better understanding and  to serve Humanity in a unified way. A Sufi far beyond the boundation of time, caste, creed, color, region or race. A Sufi with only 1 mission to serve humanity when caste system was on peak in Indian sub-continent. A celebrated Sufi of all time,who became the spiritual mentor and inspiration for many Sufis, Kings, businessman and still showing the path to many unsatisfied hearts and souls in past 7 centuries. Remembered and praised by numerous hearts. He is His holiness Hazrat NIZAMUDDIN Aulia (rehmatullah alaiy). Born in a Syed family ancestral descendent of Prophet Muhammad (swallalaho alaih wassalm) with 19 of his ancestors falling in the chain.
Hazrat NIZAMUDDIN aulia(R.a) represents the secular character of Indian culture and his disciple hzt. Amir khusro (R.a) was the 1st to express his patriotism towards Indian soil, centuries before first freedom struggle. Still his magnificent shrine/ dargah/ khanqah spreading the divine light that give peace to hearts and soul and essence of Rose in air invites you for a pure ecstasy.

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